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Writer's picturePaul G.

Universal Electronic Ignition Module fitting instructions

Updated: Nov 6, 2020

Go to 'Useful Solex information' in the Technical Library for the full instructions

There are ‘universal’ Electronic Ignition Modules widely available from various sources that can be used as an alternative to the Pink Atom Modules. They are sold under various names including Oregon, Stens, Mega-fire, Nova II, etc. In spite of these supplier’s instructions insisting they are a simple and easy installation whereby the ignition points can be removed; this is NOT the case if they are to be fitted to a Solex engine. The Solex flywheel has two magnets (unlike most other simple lawn mower / chainsaw 2-strokes which only have one) and this is the problem.

However, it is possible to use one of these ‘universal’ Electronic Ignition Modules on the Solex Cyclomoteur engine but it must be used in conjunction with the existing ignition points. They are merely kept as a simple switch to prevent the module sensing the second magnet.

For many years, BrianSolex has made a set of instructions available showing how this can be simply done to overcome the second magnet problem. These instructions can now be found in the TECHNICAL LIBRARY in the Useful Solex Information section should you wish to fit a ‘universal’ module as an alternative to the standard points operated ignition system.

Disclaimer: VeloSolex Club U.K. and BrianSolex are in no way endorsing the fitting of these ‘universal’ modules and no liability will be accepted for any type of accident, howsoever caused, by fitting of the same. The instructions are merely being provided as a service to any owner who wishes to consider an alternative to using ignition points and condenser.

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2 comentários

20 de jun. de 2023

Hi. I can't find the Universal electronic ignition instructions in the Useful Solex information Section. Are they still available? Thanks Steve.

Paul G.
Paul G.
20 de jun. de 2023
Respondendo a

Hello, Steve.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I have just e-mailed Brian and he reminded me that we withdrew the instructions as, at the time, although they were believed to be accurate they were largely untested. They may well reappear in the near future once they have been properly tested and verified.

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