We have known about this manual for a long time but could only ever find (poor quality) pictures of the front and rear covers on the internet. Quite by chance one day, one of the internet illustrations did not appear to link back to the usual source but, instead, pointed us to a Brazilian website. Even then it was only through using the Google translate button that another link to the missing inside pages was discovered in one of the website sub-sections.
As can be seen from the cover and one of the inside pages, the quality was not the best. However, with a lot of patience and using modern technology we have mannaged to extract the information and clean up the handbook into something useable. Maybe not many Brazilians still ride a Solex but those that do might appreciate a readable owner’s handbook.
Paul G and BrianSolex.
The eagle-eyed amongst you may have spotted the Brazilians didn’t seem to be too bothered about accuracy when they produced their owner’s handbook cover and they used a left-side Solex picture and just reversed it. i.e., the exhaust silencer and chain should be on the right hand side! 🤫